It seems that despite our better judgement, we as a gender, still seemed to be obsessed with getting a thigh gap. Here’s a cheats guide to getting a thigh gap, right now*
*For those sensitive souls who can’t detect sarcasm. DON’T try these at home.
1 – Wrap cling film around each thigh. Stop once feet begin to tingle and you feel like you want to vomit.
2 – Attempt to crawl everywhere in a crab like position. Put your faith in gravity.
3- Develop rickets/wear ridiculous shoes. (The shoes option is probably a quicker fix.) The resulting bow-leggedness will create the illusion of leaner meaner thighs.
4- Walk round with a tin of beans down your kecks.
5 – Return to the 90’s an invest in a thigh master.