About 5 or 6 years ago I went to Circo for a friend of a friends birthday, walked in then walked straight back out again thinking “I really don’t belong here, everyone looks fit and glamourous.” I bought my first house when I was 19 and I spent the early part of my twenties absolutely skint, so quite frankly….I looked a sheow. I could never afford to get my hair done or buy nice clothes so stacked up against the perfect prinnies in Circo, well, intimidated wasn’t the word.
Cut to present day and now while everyone my age is buying houses and being skint, I’ve actually got a bit more money and I was invited as a VIP guest to enjoy and review their dinner freak show. Funny how life works out, you never know quite where it’ll take you.
The clientele in there are still perfect, beautifully coiffured locks, expensive clothes – classy as fuck basically. Now I at least look like I fit in but I certainly wouldn’t describe myself as classy.
Once we had soaked up the atmosphere of the bar, and more importantly a bottle of prosecco, we were shown over to some amazing seats in the 1770 restaurant with a great view of the stage and looking out over the Albert Dock. It’s views like that which genuinely make me feel all emotional about how lucky we are to live in a city like Liverpool…I mean I can’t think of a single famous building in Newcastle or Birmingham for e.g. but here, everywhere you look is just wall to wall fit.
The food was fantastic, I ordered duck to start, chicken in Parma ham for the main and a hazelnut brownie for dessert. It came really quickly and was delicious and hot and the serving staff were attentive and came over to check on us several times throughout the service; this was despite the restaurant being packed.
I was in two minds over whether or not to even go to Circo that night as I was hungover after a heavy night in The Raz (don’t ask) but the show was so amazing that I quickly forgot how tired I was and had a great time. Some of the acts included a burlesque stripper (who I swear was wearing a Primark spanx high waist thong….I know because I was wearing the same one), break-dancers, magicians, fire-eaters, acrobats and an escapologist.
The escapologist was tied up in a straight jacket and suspended upside down from the ceiling while he freed himself….all’s I’m gonna say is that those hips he has are pretty agile! He came over to our table to do slight of hand magic later on and naturally we had a burning question; “So, we saw your hip movement….are you good in bed?” to which he replied “The hips don’t lie.” Tru dat lad, tru dat.
We stayed on a little bit later to see more fire shows on the big staircase but eventually my hangover got the better of me and we got off. I had a fantastic night though and I’d thoroughly recommend it if you want to try something a little bit different. I put a load of videos on Instagram at the time.
– See more at: http://drinkinliverpool.co.uk/scouse-bird-reviews-circos-dinner-show/#sthash.6FH82SFB.dpuf
– See more at: http://drinkinliverpool.co.uk/scouse-bird-reviews-circos-dinner-show/#sthash.6FH82SFB.dpuf