Breast feeding is one of the most beautiful things in the world, yes… but any new mum will know that it can also be one of the most disheartening and stressful things in the world too. So we think it’s about time to lay down some home truths and give breastfeeding mum’s the credit they deserve.
Why lie? You’re going to find out sooner or later. At first it’ll seem like a slow form of sadistic, un-Christian Grey like torture, and that’s even before the niplash kicks in.
Ohh yes, ‘niplash’; when your baby suddenly decides to jerk his or her head around (usually to look at your gobshite fella being ‘cute’) while still latched on.
But, don’t worry, you’ll soon get the hang of it and be feeding like a breast feeding champion in no time at all! You’ll probably even go all Salma Hayek and want to start feeding other peoples kids!
As well as sometimes being as painful as a spin class, breastfeeding can actually burn an extra 300-500 calories a day – silver linings and all that.
And cry you will – especially when it’s just taken you an hour to pump 2oz of it (from both boobs!)
They’re going to go dark. Really dark, like ‘fell asleep face down in wood stain’ dark. Don’t say we didn’t warn you!
For a start you don’t have milk immediately. Whoever came up with that myth needs to have a word with themselves; it takes a good 2-5 days for the milk to come in once the baby has been born (until then there’s a liquid called colustrum which they feed off… so don’t panic, like me, thinking that they starve for the first few days). Even then, for some mums, it can be a struggle, so don’t beat yourself up over it, you’re probably doing better than you think!
So I think we can agree that ALL mums, breastfeeding or not, are nothing less than superheroes in our eyes. Who else would put up 24/7 unrelentless graft, tiresome nights, sick-covered clothes and smelly hair on a daily basis? So for those days where you feel like your powers are dwindling, don’t stress, there IS support out there from the people who love you.
Why not show a new mum in your life some lovin’? Oh Me Oh Mama is a cute gift site made for mums, by mums who know first hand how tough motherhood, and especially breastfeeding can be! There are five different hampers to choose from, whether you need to give your boob juice a little boost, need a little TLC or tend to the needs of your ever-changing post-pregnancy body they have the right hamper and they even do free delivery to the Liverpool Womens hospital.
The ‘Daydream reliever’ basket
Find out more about the fab hampers here and either treat yourself, or show one of your newly MILF’ed mates just how much you care. They also have a boss range of cards whether it’s a girl, boy or bump! Send your love and one of their cards today, see the full range.
A share of all profits made go to ‘Kitty’ – the official charity of the Liverpool Womens. It so fab to see locals and especially local women loving and supporting each other.
Follow Oh Me Oh Mama on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram
If you need help or are struggling to breastfeed please call the national breastfeeding help line on 0300 100 0212, Liverpool NCT or contact one of the lovely MaMas from One2One Midwives for some friendly reassuring help and advice. And if you’re looking for a local and friendly group of like minded mamas then follow the Liverpool Bambiis Facebook Group