I’m in a fortunate position to be able to say that I have pretty much everything that I want. I don’t know who is in a worse position – my loved ones trying to think of something to get me for Christmas and birthdays or me when I’m asked, “So, what do you want for Christmas??” and my mind is blank. I have no patience so if there’s something I really want, it’ll just get lashed on the credit card rather than me waiting months for it. I just can’t do it and I have so much respect for people who can. So I have an Amazon wishlist.
Now while I’m not one of these cam girls who has pay pigs buy them shoes (although if any pay pigs are reading this and fancy sending me something then you can find my current wishlist here) an Amazon wishlist is proper handy. Amazon stock literally everything you can think of so I just add stuff on there that I fancy and then when Xmas and birthdays roll around I just send the link to my family and friends. Yeh so it might take all the surprise out of things but at least I’ll know I’ll get something I’ll actually use. Trust me, it’s not pretty when they go rogue.
Some of the things on my wishlist no one would ever be able to guess in a million years, so with that in mind, here’s what I got for Christmas this year. Surprised?
- For ages I’ve been wondering whether it’s worth parting with that much money for (it is, you can read my review here) so I thought I might as well get someone else to do it.
- I’ve never met a Chanel perfume or bag I didn’t love. Forget Chanel makeup though, it’s trash.
- A IT’S REEEERRRSE GERLD. I have my dream car so it’s only fitting that the keys sit in a fancy cover in my favourite colour.
- This caused quite a stir around the Christmas dinner table let me tell you but I swear down I asked for this for Xmas. It was actually top of my list. After giving birth and getting haemorrhoids for 2 months afterwards, I have never been so grateful to be able to poo easily. I make sure I have loads of fibre and now I have my very own poo stool. I actually learnt about this when I went for a colonic from the queen of shit. Basically, humans are designed to poo while squatting (can you believe cavemen didn’t have toilets? eee) and when you’re in a sitting position on the toilet, your hip bone squashes your poo tube so you may not always be available to ‘evacuate fully’ and you may have to strain. Straining can cause haemorrhoids and I am absolutely not about that life. With a poo stool, it elevates your legs so your body is back in a squatting position and you number two just slides right out. It’s bliss. Try it!
- . Dur, because they’re just so pretty!
- . Because only like 0.01% of bars in Liverpool sell it (Ship & Mitre and The Clubhouse) and it’s like rocking horse shit in Tesco and Asda and it’s fit.
- because apparently I’ve turned into me ma. But they’re absolutely boss and I’ll fight anyone who tries to tell me otherwise.
- After I wrote this post on my Sunday night pamper routine I had loads of people message me about this. I actually ending up getting one from Very because this rose gold one went missing in the post BUT the one that I actually chose (linked above) is boss because it has a face cleaning head on it too like the Magnitone so it’s a two birds with one stone sitch.
- More because after getting this gadget in my life last year, my lazy ass can’t live without it and now I absolutely have to have it in every room because light switches are for peasants.
So, what did you guys get for Christmas and what would you have on your Amazon wishlist?