Merry Christmas, Carol takes your bah humbug frown and turns it upside down. Don’t just take my word for it, believe the…
Staying in is the new going out and there’s nothing more wholesome than a good old fashioned games night. I have regular…
Willy Russell’s melodrama had us in stitches but also made us cry dead hard, leading the sell-out audience at the Liverpool Empire to give…
There’s something a bit romantic about art galleries. This isn’t the place you get taken on a first date by some wrong’un you’ve met…
The bodyguard film is a 90s classic. It’s not just a timeless romcom it’s got sex, grit, drama, boss songs and best of all…
Let’s start off by saying, I love Crosby. It’s no secret, it’s all I’ve been banging on about for the last year or so….
Every year Liverpool One Debs has a massive Debenhams VIP Christmas event after hours and the discounts you can get are absolutely unreal. Now…
You may, in the build up to Christmas (I said it, it’s on its way) – have found yourself saving the pennies and may…
We trialled her with Peppa pig and Teletubbies Live at the Empire and she was as good as gold so I knew that this…
Have you got Night Fever, Night Fever? Then you should be dancing your way down to The Liverpool Empire because it would be Tragedy…