Problems | Scouse Bird Problems

Gentlemen buying ladies a drink seems to be a lost art these days. We’re brought up to believe that a handsome man will lock eyes with us from across a…read more →

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past couple of years you’ll almost certainly have heard of the 50 Shades of Grey franchise. It caused a storm because all…read more →

Onesies were a slow burner. You either loved them or loathed them and at first most people loathed them. Gradually one by one people began buying ‘novelty’ onesies ‘as a…read more →

I recently went down to London for the weekend, I go about once a year because it’s a great night out and it’s always good to do something a bit…read more →

You often get people from other parts of the country sneering when you mention Liverpool as being a fashion forward city. Sneer away but I’ve been out in London; they…read more →

There are so many extension brands out there at the moment that it’s really difficult knowing which to choose. I’ve already reviewed a couple on here but I’ve found there…read more →

The best beauty products always crash onto the market with a bit of controversy; as far as I’m concerned it means they actually DO something. Take Botox for example; when that…read more →


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