Opening The Scouse Bird Shop has been a labour of love for me – literal blood sweat and tears have gone into it but it’s finally open, ready and waiting for you to come say hi!
You’ve seen my new office but now it’s time to come and see the brand new shop, full of everything you didn’t even know you needed until you saw it (and yes we will be selling the 2018 Scouse Bird Diary from approximately mid October).
Everything you’ll find online at you’ll be able to buy in person plus loads of exclusive things you can ONLY buy in store. You’ll find us on the first floor of the Rent A space building on Dunnings Bridge Road in Aintree. It’s the big yellow building and you just can’t miss it. Come and take a selfie with me on the selfie wall and grab some amazing freebies, prizes and discounts on our grand opening day; Saturday 16th September 2017.
You can find things here like Tarte make up, Barbie t-shirts, Chanel style power banks, selfie lights, bath bombs and TONS of unicorn stuff – so feel free to bring the kids but be warned, we do have some rude keyrings and lipsticks!
I’m so proud of the shop and I hope you’re as pleased and as wowed by it as I hope you will be. It’s open Monday to Fridays from 9am until 5pm and on Saturday from 9am – 4pm. We will be opening on a Sunday closer to Xmas time. Thanks so much for all your support up until this point – I’d never have gotten here without you.