Posted On: 27/10/2015
By: Sarah Williams
1. You are the most dressed up person at literally any and every event, party, BBQ you ever go to. Fact.
2. You take a trip to the local British Shop and squawk at EVERYTHING – even Polo’s.
3. When you hear a Scouser talking you can’t wait for them to finish so you can interrupt them and say “Are you from Liverpool?”
4. You then try not to shout “Woooooool” when they say yes, they are from Liverpool, well, over the water actually.
5. You’re amazed that girls actually go to the toilet – BY THEMSELVES.
6. You can pretty much talk any fella not from Liverpool under the table about football.
7. You can drink them under the table before dancing on it as well.
8. Christmas consist of a package of M&S knickers. From your Nan.
9. If you live Down Under you will never ever get used to eating Christmas dinner in your bikini. Ever.
10. You will no doubt have thought you time travelled back to 1982 as you hear the ‘cars on bricks’ or ‘I better hide my wallet’ joke for the 565,784th time.
11. The minute you have a drink or talk to anyone from Liverpool your accent gets 180% stronger than it ever was at home.
12. You like to use words like Boss, Jarg and Bevy just to confuse people.
13. You tell everyone and anyone who’ll listen just how amazing Liverpool is and how they should totally go there and have a night out with your mum/nan/brother/mate.
14. You have to hold yourself back when someone tries to copy your accent and ends up sounding like a Manc. (Why do they always sound like a Manc!?)
15. You know for a fact that even though you live in another continent you will ALWAYS be a Scouse Bird.
Sarah Williams
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