Scouse Bird Problems – How To: Fit Into Tonights Dress In 45 Minutes

Posted On: 05/09/2015

By: Zoe Delaney

Had Bridget Jones been a millennial, her diaries would have been jam packed with even more body woes. She’d have still been juggling Daniel Cleaver and Mark Darcy, but worrying about her ‘Ham Arms’ whilst doing so; diary entries would include Bridge bemoaning chubby rub and her fruitless quest for a thigh gap, and as for credit card expenditures? Well, she’d have reached her spending limit on some adorable ankle boots that conceal those cankles. Ms. Jones and her control pants had it easy. 


While girls of our generation certainly have it tough with body expectations, we’ve got it lucky when it comes to tools and aids on the market to help banish any rational body woes. Healthy eating and exercise? Pah – who’s got time for that?

‘It Works!’ is a naturally based, body contouring formula which promises to be mess free, paraben free and will leave skin more radiant, firmer, smoother and tighter. With a holiday just around the corner, and my arms looking more and more like they belong in a butcher’s shop window (DAMN YOU, HAM ARMS) I decided to give their Ultimate Body Applicator a go.

The wraps are suitable for all problem parts of the body; tummy, hips, saddlebags, bum, boobs – but, if like me you’re going for the arms, I suggest having someone on hand to help you with the application. Perhaps your fella can add something else to his beauty assistance CV, alongside his Fake Tanning of The Back BTEC qualification you helped him get.

The whole thing is pretty simple – have a hot shower before applying, lay the wrap wet side to the skin to the area of your choice and wrap with cling film to secure it in place. Then, for 45 minutes, drink at least one litre of water and have a chat reminiscing about Big Brother 3 when Jade Goody wrapped herself in cling film in a last minute attempt to fit into her eviction dress. God bless Jade, a pioneer before her time.


For the next few days, to get the best results, drink plenty of water and massage the remaining gel (that comes with the pack) into the skin.

My results? I lost half an inch within 24 hours of the first wrap and the appearance of my arms improved – my skin seemed smoother, tighter and no signs of cellulite (yep, you can get cellulite on your arms apparently).

1 Wrap (which I had) is a treat, but 4 wraps are advised as a full treatment and 12 wraps are for longer-term results. With such instantaneous results, it’s tempting to swap the dumbbells for the lazy girl’s cheat to Jen An arms.

To try the wraps for yourself you can visit their local stockist’s website here. Her name is Gillian and she’s a babe.


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