Posted On: 03/09/2015
By: Scouse Bird
Yesterday Homesense opened its doors on a brand new store in Aintree, Racecourse Retail Park. “Big Woop!” you might think, “What’s Homesense?”
Well if you think getting new bits for your bedroom or trawling round Ikea and vintage shops looking for quirky bits for the house is amazing then then you’ll love this place.
It’s a sister company to TK Maxx so if you’ve ever had a look round their home department you’ll get the gist. They source unique items from all over the world and then once ther’re sold, that’s it, they’re gone forever; they will not stock them again. Basically if you see it, buy it. You’re likely to find anything from designer bedding to full suits of armour…
Here’s a sneak peek of some of the fab items in the Aintree store; get them before they’re gone…
Frames handmade in Vietnam using bits of folded up magazines. They also do these in large mirrors.
They even have a whole pet section – just in case your want a chaise longue for your cat or dog… and who wouldn’t?
Designer bedding at Primark prices 👍
Cute cushions for the bedroom ❤️
A. Leopard. Print. Couch. Wow.
And of course, the animal print cushions to match…
Wall decorations fit for a princess…
Yesterday on the opening day they had a curiosity cabinet game; for every customer who spent over £30 they had to pick a random key out of the box then try and open one of the doors. If it opened, they got to keep what was inside. Did any of you win anything?
I know where I’m going this payday!
Scouse Bird
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